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Healthcare staffing agency

Credentialed medical staff candidates delivered in 48 hours.

Healthcare staffing agency to fill everything from in-demand NP to hard-to-find physician subspecialist roles.


Recruit IT teams and other qualified candidates within 48 hours.


Find your next great


Addressing Healthcare Recruitment Challenges

Get help with a healthcare recruiter to find physicians and credentialed medical staff faster and win top candidates for your organization. Our medical staffing agency will help solve HR challenges like:

Limited Resources: Managing with a relatively small HR team and budget compared to larger healthcare organizations poses challenges in executing comprehensive recruitment strategies.

High Turnover: Grappling with elevated turnover rates, particularly in rural areas, where candidates are often lured by better compensation or advancement prospects elsewhere

Candidate Experience: Striving to deliver a seamless and positive candidate journey throughout the recruitment process to avoid missed opportunities and talent drain

Diverse Candidate Pool: Acknowledging the significance of diversity and inclusion, yet facing hurdles in attracting a varied talent pool, especially for specialized positions


If you aren’t fully staffed, you’re turning away patients, stunting growth, and leaving vast amounts of revenue on the table. If we can shave even a week and a half off your recruiting process (we can) with our medical recruiting firm’s services, our service pays for itself.

Thorough Screening

We meticulously screen candidates, ensuring they meet your job requirements,  and align with your company culture. Additionally, we conduct thorough screenings and verify credentials.

Job Presentation

We effectively present the job opportunity to candidates, highlighting its benefits and opportunities for growth. We’ll find the right people for your roles and sell them on the position.

Committed Candidates

Upon successful screening and presentation, candidates are fully committed to the position, improving your ability to win the best candidates and reducing the risk of turnover.


In healthcare, when business strictly adheres to a 9-to-5 schedule, who's available to assist you after hours?


 Our healthcare support staffing agency
extends beyond the traditional workday, with 80% of candidates and 20% of clients engaging with us outside regular hours.

Medical Staffing Solutions for Diverse Healthcare Specializations

Recruiting specialized healthcare professionals demands strategic expertise. Our customized approach expedites the search for top talent, ensuring precise placements that align with your organization's unique needs and goals.

We specialize in headhunting qualified candidates within 48 hours.

  • Specialist Physicians

  • Primary Care Physicians in Rural Areas

  • Director-Level Positions

  • Bilingual or Multilingual Healthcare Professionals

  • Clinical Specialists

  • Health Information Technology (IT) Professionals

  • Behavioral Health Specialists

  • Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs)

If you can shave a week and a half off your recruiting process, our service pays for itself.


We’ll find qualified IT candidates fast who are proficient in handling complex tech challenges and align with your company’s goals.

Replacement Guarantee

On a contract-by-contract basis, we offer a standard 90-day window. Should a candidate leave, we swiftly provide a replacement within just 30 days, boasting an impressive 97% success rate.

Direct Access

With direct connections to directors and managers at any hour, we facilitate seamless communication and foster strong relationships that transcend typical business hours

Responsive Support

We're available round-the-clock, recognizing that job seekers and clients alike operate beyond traditional office hours, ensuring prompt assistance and guidance whenever needed.

Collaborative Relationship

We specialize in filling positions through personalized headhunting, ensuring a tailored approach that aligns with your needs, delivering reliable candidates who are the perfect fit and committed for the long term.

Increase Client Volume
and Revenue

By swiftly filling all positions, you can accommodate more customers and drive revenue growth, propelling your organization towards greater success.

Achieve Full Staffing
Across All Locations

Streamline your growth initiatives by ensuring 100% staffing at every location, enabling you to achieve full staffing and scale up faster with less effort.


Many individuals working 12-hour shifts find it unsustainable. 


When they receive a text about a new job opportunity while tired and working, they may become excited and contemplate quitting their positions.

Our healthcare recruiter agency find

people who stick around.

Secure physicians and other credentialed candidates within 48 hours.

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